Partners / Clients
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Evensen Dodge International (EDI) established a Global Development Alliance (GDA) with USAID focused on developing regional or domestic capital markets and building the necessary links for national or subnational governments to access them. The financing these governmental units may access by means of participating in this GDA program as pilot entities, or the financing other subnational governments may access once this model program is customized to satisfy their needs, will be helpful to foster development in different countries. EDI’s GDA program with USAID focuses on major areas of interest including agriculture; anti-corruption, governance, civil society strengthening; conflict, relief and humanitarian assistance; economic growth and trade capacity building; education; environment, energy; health; and information technology.
Metropolis & FMDV
Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises, is the leading international organization that gathers cities and metropolitan regions with more than a million inhabitants.
Created in 1985, the Metropolis Association is represented by more than 120 members from across the world and operates as an international forum for exploring issues and concerns common to all big cities and metropolitan regions. Metropolis also manages the Metropolitan Section of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
In November 2011, FMDV (Fonds Mondial pour le Développement des Villes – Global Fund for Cities Development), Metropolis branch, which aims to strengthen solidarity among local authorities while increasing their financial capacity, and Evensen Dodge International Inc., a global public finance advisory firm, entered into an international partnership. Through this collaboration, FMDV and Evensen Dodge International are pursuing sustainable financing strategies, specifically to mobilize private sector financing for the development of creditworthy cities. The Cities Funding Corporation was created as an independent firm having no undisclosed direct or indirect connections with or ties to any investment banking firms, lenders or other financial institutions. The CFC is dedicated to facilitating access to market-based financing through a set of complementary services and approaches.
Multilateral Development Banks
Evensen Dodge International works extensively with the Multilateral Development Banks, such as the World Bank Group and four Regional Development Banks: (1) The African Development Bank, (2) The Asian Development Bank, (3) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and (4) the Inter-American Development Bank Group.
Evensen Dodge International is invited to participate in a think tank at the OECD focused on identifying and design financial models for infrastructure development in different countries.
3 TIER Mexico
Consultores en Economía, Inversiones y Proyectos, S.C. (CEIP)